6 December 2012

06 12 2012, Sydney

if my love is blind
then i don't want to see

- R. Orbison

17 August 2012

17 08 2012, Sydney

life question numero uno :

opportunism or attack ?

going with the flow can be wise, comfortable, complacent, even to the extent of fatalism

until the day you wake up and see that the flow took you somewhere you didn't want to go

but where do and did you want to go ?

and does it even matter ?

in any case

$$ won't make you happy; but it can get you where you want to go.

so there must be a want.

want is the opposite of flow

want makes things happen.

but where and what is want in a world of obligation and prescription ?

in a world of flows?

(answer : attack)

5 June 2012

05 06 2012, Sydney

my mood is the rain

the rain is my mood

so keep raining, sky

but not for too long ...

15 May 2012

16 05 2012, Sydney

we live in dark

and yet
the sun

21 April 2012

20 April 2012

20 04 2012, Sydney

We will look back and laugh at how ignorant we were.

Soon the lives we live now will seem like strange hallucinations.

The things we did and had and said become absurd nightmares that occurred in the most utter blindness (voluntary blindness), producing the thickest darkness the world has ever known.

Our light will be the day we can - if we're lucky - look back and see how dark it really was right now, what horror we undertook in the name of complacency.

To see this world, back, will be at once the reward and the torment of those who survive.

21 March 2012

21 03 2012, Sydney

if you think it -
but then realise,
suicide is not even an option,
everything is suddenly wonderful,
nothing feels quite so heavy as it did,
with the knowledge that you want to live
even if life is confused right now,
one is given strength, power.
the knowledge is:
living (right now) is infinitely preferable
to giving up (right now)
which would mean (i assume) never knowing
what life could become
whether more confused or less so (beside point).
so the thought of the possibility of suicide
is a force that can breathe life not death
into tired, overwhelmed heads
lucky, i suppose, that there is so much breath
to be breathed, lived
(so much more confusion to be had)
so much to wait and see!
and make happen oneself

20 March 2012