22 September 2011

22 09 2011, Sydney

en ascendant les escaliers (toujours) vers
le septième étage de Fisher Library du troisième (rez-de-chaussée)
je compte les pas

première compte (vers 14h30) : quatre-vingt-trois escaliers

deuxième compte (vers 17h30) : quatre-vingt-six escaliers

troisième compte : à faire

conclusion : la realité n'est jamais fixe

12 September 2011

10/12 09 2011, Sydney

Sydney is a safe city for bicycles
But not for cyclists

7 September 2011

07 09 2011, Sydney

∑ O S E R :::: R E S O ∑
∑ R O S E :::: E S O R ∑
∑ E R O S :::: S O R E ∑
∑ S E R O :::: O R E S ∑
∑ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ∑
∑ O R E S :::: S E R O ∑
∑ S O R E :::: E R O S ∑
∑ E S O R :::: R O S E ∑
∑ R E S O :::: O S E R ∑

5 September 2011

05 09 2011, Sydney

the sun sets into sky scrapers, orange and dusty, slowly beating them into darkness until they switch on their electric show for the night. they are secretly so ashamed of that poor imitation of the sun's rays that they will only show the moon. for the moon naturally understands imitation, but what the scrapers don't understand is that the moon would never stoop to feeling shame for it.

3 September 2011

03 09 2011, Sydney

"You Who Will Never Be Mine" (L.I.)

it is always, always the self
under scrutiny
in any issue whatsoever
in every circumstance whatever

the self may believe the other to be a cause for scrutiny
the self may believe that the other demands scrutiny
the self may think:

why did the other do this to me?
what does the other want from me?
why doesn't the other understand me?

but the other is merely a foil through which the self ignorantly

scrutiny is directed at the other by the self, flowing from the self
the self believes in the other's problems, in the other's ideas, in the other's necessity or uselessness

every thing the self says to, thinks of, does towards the other
is merely a reflection of the self
a projection of the self
an idea of the self
the necessity of the self

the other serves to give the self excuses and blindfolds for the self's
weaknesses, loneliness, desires, faults, confusions, obsessions, fears

if only the self would see the other as just that
as is
then the self would see
there is no need for scrutiny
and without scrutiny, the excuses and blindfolds appear as ludicrous as they are cruel
these would fall away and the self's fears would seem tolerable
because the other is there, just there

but never near enough to scrutinise

the self will then stop bothering the other with all that hidden self stuff
and they will both learn they will never know the other
but that they can try to learn to know the self