17 May 2011

17 05 2011, Berlin

Boredom is a foreign emotion to me
Impatience I know well
but boredom eludes me

Even now, here, with nothing
really to do, boredom only
occurs to me as a stranger,
passing by - as concept -
through my stream of consciousness

We try to identify one another -
"Maybe I am bored? Come hither,
Boredom, let me recognise you..." -
but to no avail

Boredom appears to me as a mere shadow,
weak and superficial - a faux emotion.

A word, an excuse, masquerading
as emotion.
A façade beneath which something much
deeper lies

Those aware of this deeper, real
emotion - present always -
can never feel true boredom
and are thus doomed to a life
without this excuse

However, perhaps blessed
with a life where façades are self-erected
(and thus boredom is a convenient choice,
not a state of being)