30 June 2011

30 06 2011, London

Strangers in the Night

A series of bars, a series of beautiful faces

Of laughing smiles and glistening white teeth
Of arched brows and over-shoulder glances
Of a wine in the hand, and a cigarette in the other
(Here we take life and death together)

Of cascading conversations about nothing in particular and everything at once
Of enthused introductions and realised connexions
Of witty eyes and generous grins

Of the slow descent into floaty intoxication and communal seduction
Of beautiful goodbyes at the ends of endless nights
Of emerging into the city's breathtaking exactitude from smokey hallucinations

We dreamed it all and we wake up alone
Only to play it all over again, again, again
(Whether in mind or body - it is the same)

Until all that's left is a series of bars
A series of memories
Of deep words and fleeting expressions
Of beautiful faces -
Glowing candlelit, peripheral, with ever-fading edges -
The cold shock of Time
The joyful pain of ecstasy surpassed

The knowledge that all series must end
And that the end was written in those radiant stars
From the first time we think 'beautiful'